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this page is intended to list l0dables that are already implemented, their features and source.

How to write your own l0dables is documented in l0dable

L0dables are small (<2.5k) loadable modules for the r0ket firmware. In the default released firmware these need to be encrypted signed to be run (only true for original camp firmware)

New on 28C3


The default l0dables are

l0dables which replace the nickname display have the extension .NIK

After-release l0dables:

  • SHOWCARD showcard.c0d
    • displays a vcard
  • VOLTAGE voltage.c0d
    • Check your battery voltage and charging status
  • SNAKE snake.c0d
    • <some witty comment>
  • MATRIX matrix.nik
    • random characters :)
  • INVADERS invaders.nik
    • invaders-style nickname
  • JUMP jump.c0d
    • a Doodle Jump clone
  • SCOPE scope.c0d
    • Oscilliscope which reads from the hackbus ports. Put your fingers on and see your electric field.

All these modules can be downloaded here and placed on your r0ket via the usb_storage mode.

If you write a l0dable, stop by at our table to get it integrated into the repository. As no signatures are needed any more, you can also simply put c/c0d file for download here or on your own server and link to it! Happy c0ding!


Bugfix: since day3 saving the current position messed up the schedule. This has now been fixed, you need to copy .c0d und .scd file. For those interested: the switch from 16Bit to 24Bit pointers was incomplete. Thanks to Sturle for finding.

28C3 Schedule on your r0ket. This l0dable is pre-installed in the 28C3 firmwares, but as the Fahrplan changes quite often updates are offered here. You need to have a current firmware though, so if you haven't done so so far, go to init and flash it.

Newest version:

The Archive contains 4 files, the l0dable fahrplan.c0d and three editions of the schedule: fahrplan.scd is the 100K default, containing length limited texts, fp-mini.scd is only 8K for those needing their dataflash for other stuff, but contains only the titles. fp-big.scd finally contains full descriptions and eats up about half your r0kets dataflash.

Simply unzip the archive, boot your r0ket while moving joystick down (to battery connector, not press), mount the USB volume and copy fahrplan.c0d and fahrplan.scd to it. For big or mini version simply copy it like cp fp-big.scd /mnt/mountpoint/fahrplan.scd, as the l0dable always loads the file called fahrplan.scd.

Using the Fahrplan: I hope it's quite self explaining, start the l0dable and after an init screen you are in the schedule, like:

D1 1400+0100 2
Hacking     na


By: lilafisch,
 Stefan 'Sec'

First line shows Day (D1 to D4) starttime+duration and the room, second line the Track and language (na for not available). Then Title and description follow.

To navigate through the schedule press right or left for next and previous talk, they are sorted by Day, Time, Room so you will see them in the order like they happen and move forward through it as congress progresses. When you leave the fahrplan by pressing the joystick it remembers your last position. Up/Down simply scroll through the description, we know it's hard to read, but - it's r0ket science!

Hint: if you use the fahrplan often and find it too deep down the list, mount the volume, delete fahrplan.c0d and the first (or whatever position you want) l0dable in the list and then copy the fahrplan.c0d (and possibly a backup of the other l0dable…) back in that order.

LeiwandVille Demo

We are proud to present you the official LeiwandVille Demo App for your batch.

signed version

If you haven't flashed your badge, here is the official signed version: Just attach badge to computer, enter mass storage mode (menu → usb_storage) and copy the file to the mass torage device. Don't forget to unmount/eject the device before unplugging!

open source version

Download the files and to the directory “firmware/l0dable” in your local copy of the GIT repo and make a release build as described in the r0ket wiki.

Show *.lcd Files

This l0dable shows you .lcd files (images or animations) stored on your r0ket. It also allows you to choose the animation speed. (See also LCD Art)

(Sorry for the lame hosting… I don't have webspace)

Unsigned .c files

For Nick-Animations, Animations and Images please see LCD Art

l0dables.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/28 18:53 by hybris

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