−Table of Contents
Backup usb_storage
This will help you to backup your own r0ket memory and restore it. For example if your r0kets data flash is corrupted.
Backup old usb_storage
- Connect your r0ket via USB.
- Select the usb_storage mode from the r0ket menu.
- Unmount the r0ket storage (e.g. Ubuntu automounts storage devices)
- Run:
sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=r0ket_backup.dat
(Replace X with the fitting device letter for your system)
You now have a backup from your r0ket.
Restore usb_storage
- Connect your r0ket via USB.
- Select the usb_storage mode from the r0ket menu.
- Unmount the r0ket storage (e.g. Ubuntu automounts storage devices)
- Run:
sudo dd of=/dev/sdX if=r0ket_backup.dat
(Replace X with the fitting device letter for your system)
- Reboot your r0ket.
Restore original usb_storage using a friends backup
- Backup (if possible) your priv.key, pubx.key and puby.key file.
- Do the same as seen in the “Restore original firmware” section.
- Replace the priv.key, pubx.key and puby.key with your backuped files.
I experienced a MAC problem with the SENDCARD l0dable. I fixed it by simply downloading the SENDCARD l0dable from here and replaceing it with that on the r0ket.
backup_usb_storage.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/10 13:25 by ikarus