Backup usb_storage
This will help you to backup your own r0ket memory and restore it. For example if your r0kets data flash is corrupted.
Backup old usb_storage
Connect your r0ket via USB.
Select the usb_storage mode from the r0ket menu.
Unmount the r0ket storage (e.g. Ubuntu automounts storage devices)
sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=r0ket_backup.dat
(Replace X with the fitting device letter for your system)
You now have a backup from your r0ket.
Restore usb_storage
Connect your r0ket via USB.
Select the usb_storage mode from the r0ket menu.
Unmount the r0ket storage (e.g. Ubuntu automounts storage devices)
sudo dd of=/dev/sdX if=r0ket_backup.dat
(Replace X with the fitting device letter for your system)
Restore original usb_storage using a friends backup
Backup (if possible) your priv.key, pubx.key and puby.key file.
Do the same as seen in the “Restore original firmware” section.
Replace the priv.key, pubx.key and puby.key with your backuped files.
I experienced a MAC problem with the SENDCARD l0dable. I fixed it by simply
downloading the SENDCARD l0dable from here and replaceing it with that on the r0ket.